Saturday, 1 September 2012

Name the types of JDBC drivers.

The four types of drivers defined by JDBC are:

• Type 1: JDBC/ODBC—This requires an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) driver for the databases to be installed. This type of drivers work by converting the submitted queries into an equivalent ODBC queries and forwarding them via native API which invokes directly to the ODBC driver. It provides host less redirection capability too.

• Type 2: Native type API (partly-Java driver)—This type of driver uses a vendor-specific driver or database API for interacting with the database. An example of such an API is Oracle OCI (Oracle Call Interface). 

• Type 3: Open Net Protocol —This is vendor non-specific and works by forwarding database requests using a net server component. The net server accesses the database. The client driver connects with the server using a database-indifferent protocol and the server translates this protocol into database calls. 

• Type 4: Proprietary Protocol-Net(pure Java driver)—This is same as per configuration as type 3 driver while it uses a wire protocol directed towards a particular vendor and so it can access only that vendor's database.

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