Thursday, 8 May 2014

ZK Charts PointFormat ?

I want to customize the output of the tooltip for a chartpoint.

So I use "setPointFormat" to set my desired format, but I can't find the %-Values for "hour" and "minute".

The X-Value is set like in this [example]( (datetime),
I use **date.getTime()** for the x-Value

    charts.getTooltip().setPointFormat("{point.x:%A, %d.%m.%Y}");

    Point point = new Point(1397558652984, 100.0);


 - %A = day of the week
 - %d = day
 - %m = month
 - %Y = year

How do i get **"EEEE, dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"** ? and is there a list for ["all %" values]( ?

P.S.: ZK 7.0.1, Charts 1.0.0-BETA

Answer:   {point.x:%A, %d.%m.%y - %H:%M:%S}

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