Tuesday 17 January 2017

XML Parser

XML Parser
XML Parser provides way how to access or modify data present in an XML document. Java provides multiple options to parse XML document.
1) Dom Parser - DOM parser parses the entire XML document and loads it into memory; then models it in a “TREE” structure for easy traversal and we iterate through the Node and Node List to get the content of the XML. DOM Parser is slow and consumes a lot of memory when it loads an XML document which contains a lot of data
2)      SAX Parser - SAX parser doesn’t load the complete XML into the memory, instead it parses the XML line by line triggering different events as and when it encounters different elements like: opening tag, closing tag, character data and comments and so on. This is the reason why SAX Parser is called an event based parser.

3) StAX Parser - StAX stands for Streaming API for XML. The SAX Parser pushes the data but StAX parser pulls the required data from the XML. StAX is a "pull" API. SAX is a "push" API.

StAX can do both XML reading and writing. SAX can only do XML reading.

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