Saturday, 22 July 2023

Example of a simple Kafka producer and consumer using Spring Boot with the Spring Kafka library

 Sure! Below is an example of a simple Kafka producer and consumer using Spring Boot with the Spring Kafka library.

1. First, make sure you have the necessary dependencies in your `pom.xml` (Maven) or `build.gradle` (Gradle) file:
















dependencies {

    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'

    implementation 'org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka'



2. Create a Kafka configuration class to define the necessary Kafka properties:


import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

import org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory;

import org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate;

import org.springframework.kafka.core.ProducerFactory;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;


public class KafkaConfig {

    private static final String KAFKA_BROKER = "localhost:9092";

    private static final String TOPIC = "my-topic";


    public Map<String, Object> producerConfigs() {

        Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();

        props.put(org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, KAFKA_BROKER);

        props.put(org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer.class);

        props.put(org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer.class);

        return props;



    public ProducerFactory<String, String> producerFactory() {

        return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerConfigs());



    public KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate() {

        return new KafkaTemplate<>(producerFactory());



    public String topic() {

        return TOPIC;




3. Create a Kafka producer to send messages:


import org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;


public class KafkaProducerService {

    private final KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;

    private final String topic;

    public KafkaProducerService(KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate, String topic) {

        this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;

        this.topic = topic;


    public void sendMessage(String message) {

        kafkaTemplate.send(topic, message);




4. Create a Kafka consumer to receive messages:


import org.springframework.kafka.annotation.KafkaListener;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;


public class KafkaConsumerService {

    @KafkaListener(topics = "my-topic", groupId = "my-group")

    public void receiveMessage(String message) {

        System.out.println("Received message: " + message);




5. Run the Spring Boot application:


import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;


public class KafkaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);




Now, when you run the Spring Boot application, it will act as both a Kafka producer and consumer. When you send a message using the `KafkaProducerService.sendMessage()` method, the Kafka consumer (`KafkaConsumerService.receiveMessage()`) will receive and print the message.

Make sure you have Kafka running locally on the default port (9092) before running the Spring Boot application.

Please note that this example uses a simple setup with a single topic and group ID. In a real-world scenario, you may need more advanced configurations and error handling based on your use case.

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