Monday, 2 November 2015

HCL interview questions ?

Q1- How can get third highest values from inter Array.

Q2- Difference b/t Array.short() and Collection.Short() method.

Q3- Difference b/t application server and web server.

Q4- What is soap and rest full.
Q5- Difference b/w soap and rest.

Q5- Flow of Soap  .

Q6- How can work soap and which protocol use.

Q7.- Volatile keyword.

Q8. what is Singleton

Q9- Can we use Singleton in Singleton.

Q10 - how can manage singleton in Multithreading.

Q11- Difference EJB3 and ejb 2

Q12- How we can do memory management and memory allocation.

Q14- Cololection framwork hierarchy.

Q15- how tree set and linked work internally.

Q16 -LatchCountDown

Q17-String mutable or imutable meanning.

Q18- Jboss configuration.

Q19-- JPA

20- how can destroy hibernate session.

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