Sunday, 22 November 2015

Latest F2F Interview Questions ( J2EE )

1. What is concurrenthashmap & it’s functionality as well as identityhashmap3. What is anonymous class and where it’s used?
4. Difference between fail-fast and fail-safe?
5. Why marker interface?
6. How many classloaders are there in java?
7. How to write thread without class?
8. Explain about Hashing?
9. Where to check browser version whether JSP or JS?
10. How to handle multiple request?
11. How to add two number without an operator?
12. What is the use of deeptostring in Arrays class?
13. Why we are using wrapper classes in java?
14. Java is pure object oriented programming language or not?
15. Can extend abstract class into another abstract class if yes means when it’s extend?
16. Difference between stateless and stateful protocol?
17. Difference between hashcode and equals?
2. How to handle multiple submission in web page?

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